Welcome To Three Knives Sharpening.
Professional knife sharpening
The Knife Sharpening Company Three knives are based in Sweden and are the market leaders in knife sharpening services.
With over 30 years of expertise in the field of knives and knife sharpening technology, we take care of all your cutting needs so you can take care of your business!
If you use knives in your business or privat we can help you to keep them sharp. We sharpening for national food service chains, hotels, restaurants, the meat industry as well as smaller independent establishments in Europa.
Each blade is evaluated and if any chips or nicks present, they are corrected before sharpening begins. The blade is then sharpened at an angle that is appropriate for the knife and how it is being used.
We never give a blade back without first testing it to insure superior sharpness. Every blade needs to slice through paper with little or no force.
Most of us have heard the saying: A sharp knife is a safe knife. A sharp knife not only cuts more efficiently, but it's also safer because most knife accidents occur when trying to force a dull knife through tough food. At Three Knives, we want you to keep your edge sharp.
We sharpen all knives except ceramic knives!
You can now send your knifes on sharpening on Post.
Send your knives for sharpening
via Royal Mail Special Delivery
If you live too far you can always send your knives via Royal Mail Special Delivery. This service is extremely popular and has a three working day turnaround time from posting and receiving back your knives. Just follow these three simple steps and soon your dull old kitchen knives will be returned to you in pristine razor sharp condition.
How it works?
1. Pack the knives securely with plenty of padding.
3.Payment for retur shipping >
4. Send the knifes for sharpening.
5. Remember to include a pre paid Special Delivery envelope in with your knives. Alternatively, you can add the return cost of Special delivery to your PayPal payment or included cheque.
Please be aware that if your return postage is insufficient then knives will be returned via standard uninsured royal mail delivery at your own risk.
Knife sharpening prices
Knife repairs prices
Knife repair
Send your knives for sharpening to
Three Knives
Månsabolet 1 Häldeholm
566 93 Brandstorp
Saluhallen Sweden marknadsför, utvecklar, säljer och genomför affärer och tjänster på bred front. Vi har ett tjänsteutbud och en marknadsorienterad organisation som utgår från kundernas behov, företaget erbjuder snabb flexibilitet, tillgänglighet, personligt engagemang och bästa kunskap om den lokala marknaden, har kompetensen och bredden även när kundernas behov och verksamhet växer.